will byers crying fanfiction

He hurls forward and hugs you for the second time that day, though this time the tears run over as he thanks you again and again. Excitedly greeting you El started talking about her day, you giving a few short answers. Angry at himself. Excuse this super late update. One of the biggest in this town. Also, readers gender isnt mentioned as far as I remember. Please, I never hurt you- I would never hurt you! He tries again and you can hear hes close to tears as well. We dont care. At first you didnt think it was a good idea to take El with you, after all there were still people searching for her, but in the end you decided to be irresponsible for once. To get closer to Sam and Tara? You ask and when youre close enough you look up and push him back with a hand on his chest, sneering. He was sitting on his bed, leaning against his headboard while holding a cassette in his hands. Will lays down next to you - though with much more grace than you did - and looks at the sky for a second, before also looking at you. The boys were the ones that had tried to convince you to come too but eventually gave up. After about three months Robin and you got closer than ever and she told you about herself. He has blood coming out of his ears and nose. I never really fit in so when you just went with everything I did and cared- he smiles with a slight flush on his cheeks and under different circumstances you wouldve cooed at the endearing sight. When he came back and most of the group was focused on different things (or people) his excitement for the oncoming summer quickly dissipated. You knew Eleven and Will lived there now, but there was just no way the competition would be held at their school. Mike Wheeler just didn't get it. Will soon learns that he has to move on. Of course you were there for the dinners, but there wasnt much talking during those. I suck at summaries sorry. I, uh, well he searches for words, his gaze wandering wildly all over the place. It was - after Castle Byers - yours and his favorite secret spot to just hang out. Visiting the place where Joyce works - worked - wasnt more than half an hour but the goodbye was tear filled. He wonders, his grip on your hand loosening until he lets go completely. They just moved here, so be nice everyone! you could hear Angela giggle evilly from the front, twirling a strand of blonde, curled hair around her finger. Both the young Henry Creel and Will Byers were sensitive, artistic boys who were misunderstood by the people around them. I dump your ass. Theres silence for a minute, shocked gasps coming from everyone, including Max. a/n: first time writing gender neutral reader - hoping its not offending/bad or anything negative! Ethan turns to you with a confused head tilt, squeezing your hand in question. Its longing, as if he wants something he cant have. LET ME GO YOU BASTERD! Will yells. You dont think youll ever get over how cute he looks. His parents were out at a party, leaving Nancy in charge, and Holly was already asleep. Whyd you do it? You whisper. But before Will can do anything the soldiers grab him firmly. Eat. Im so glad to see you here! I will bring it for sure., Are you gonna force me to stay here as a punishment? He chokes on a sob and chokes out another apology as his father speaks up. She's smart and has straight A's. When at the competition, Lucas left by himself to explore the building. summary: Becoming friends with Will was the best thing that had ever happened to you. Girls are a different species. Happy 'you. Soldiers are approaching Will from behind Mike. Ten minutes. Joyce clarifies and sends him a look before leaving to the car. Yes. Shes very sick. Lucas tries to sound convincing but you dont think hes convinced himself with that statement. You were first! You smiled at the sight of him, his curly hair framing his face in the most beautiful way, and his lips slightly parted from looking down. In 1985, after defeating the Upside Downs monsters for good, the Byers had moved to Lenora with Hopper. As his son.. El rips the bandana off her head and a full body shiver racks through her. Youre uncomfortable after a few guys catcall you. When Will Byers vanishes within the small town of Hawkins, Indiana, Mike Wheeler and his adopted sister work with their friends, Lucas Sinclair and Dustin Henderson, to. Will and Mike have very much drifted apart since the summer of '85 and nothing can make it right, Will is sure of it. Even if he had to go against his family. It would make sense she saved his life (and, like, the whole world) quite some times before, so of course hed like her. Diving into the water and swimming through it smoothly felt euphoric. It has been hinted several times that Will might have a crush on Mike which is why such a couple could make sense. "I screwed up really bad." "Hey, it's okay." Jonathan laced his arm around Will's shoulder and pulled him into a hug. Three students were hanging up a poster that informed them about upcoming holidays and everyone else was getting the necessary stuff for school or talking with their friends. Which is why you agreed, well also because you were nearly begged to go by your swim coach. Hes looking at you intensely, no smile in sight. Getting your words ready you adjusted the shirt practically clinging to your body. You cant even pinpoint how wrong they both were and how much you just wanted to knock some sense into them. You just shrugged, taking the ice cream cones from his hands and leaving a small tip along with the payment. Doesnt mean I dont want to. You nod, a shy smile on your face. And he never said anything! Oh my Gosh. You had lost him. Crying like a sissy. I knew you would find out about this, he motions to his robe, so I thought why not? You could go to Robin, shed understand you after all, but Billy was just a tad bit more the comfort you were leaning towards right now. They were mad that you chose to be like that, etcetera. I have a question, Mike says, slowly untangling them from their hug, Why are you avoiding me?. When he opens the door hes positively surprised youre sitting there, face in your hands. Uhm. You dont come out completely unscathed - at least not mentally. Uh, sure. His hair is sticking to his face around his cheekbones and eyes and hes shaking. summary: On your way to confess to your best friend you wouldve never expected hearing him admit his feelings for someone - seemingly - else. Your brows furrow, Seriously, everything alright? He huffs and turns to you. Grinning happily you get off your bike, letting it fall to the side without a care. This was probably the worst that couldve happened. Ill tell her but dont think shell come running to you.. Will is too worried about what his friends will think to realize his feelings for Mike. They stay the night and youre silently really thankful, because you wouldve definitely cried all night if it werent for them. It would only be a week at most but being alone for the time being would never be your first choice. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. The door swung open and in front of you stood Billy. She was just frustrated with her friend not seeing how Mike was lying to her. When you stopped in front of him you opened your mouth for a greeting (and then to complain about the bothering piece of clothing) when he basically jumped you. After another win (if you could call it that considering all the loss) against the monster Will thought itd be over. GO!!. After the big win (before the fight with Will) youd become quite popular at school and were known as one of their best swimmers. And it was always about you. It was your big day - swim competition! But now he was feeling like he was falling in love all again, but he is aware of this now. Both your parents were shit and nothing big could be achieved in this small town either. His striped shirt is looking even cute today, you have to admit. Mike is portrayed by Finn Wolfhard. I hope this wont destroy our friendship or anything, because thatd really be the worst. He sighed but leaned more against you, chin on your forehead. If he never sent any letters, why would he care about a stupid painting? Heartbreak (and one big misunderstanding) ensue. Youre clumsy and trip over your own feet, due to the hurry youre in to not be late to school. Most tears had left your body by now, so crying would - hopefully - be out of the picture. LET ME GO! He was a bit suspicious of your friendship with Robin afterwards, but you were quick to knock some sense into him because yes, shes cute but never in that way. However, Will's life would turn upside-down on November 6, 1983; while cycling home from his friends' latest D&D campaign, Will crossed paths with a humanoid predator hailing from an alternate dimension. He still remembers the days clearly, running away and fighting - constantly being injured while one of their friends was missing in whole. I thought your grandma was sick? Max asks, hands on her hips and eyebrows raised in question. Will fought off a small smile which was threatening to take place on his face. You send him a disapproving glare before sulking again. The bell rang and you packed up your stuff, pulling the hood of your sweater over your head. Just a fix-it, slow-burn fic in which byler is real and amazing thank you so much. Yeah.. posted before but Tumblr didnt save any changes, so here I am. Your throat is burning and its still painful to breathe in and out but what hurts the most is his look. Admittedly, he was kinda scary. See? Being a new student was never fun in any way. Eh, yeah. tip: hetalia f/f sort:kudos, Due to the incredible support of the community, we've raised US$252,343.98 with an average donation of $32.14, and added 6450 new members this drive. Sighing, you turned back into the conversation. You couldnt help but think. In the end it was up to him what he wanted and what he didnt want to do. On the day of the competition it's awkward. Max led you through the last few shops, your money slowly but surely coming to an end. Scratch that, very scary. Parking your car down the street in a small space engulfed by some trees you exited and breathed in deep - you couldnt make any noise at his now, so you needed to stop crying. The trophy is safely tucked under your arm and your hair is out up into a ponytail, the cold, chlorine water dripping down your back. Stopping at the front door, loud rock music could be heard. Finally! He had yet to see it, which was why you were here today without the rest of your friends (and possibly because you had wanted to spend some alone time with the other boy - but no one had to know that, right?). Will motions Max to come with him and they go behind the house where the small shed is. You had to admit. I see you for what youve shown me of yourself. Staying in the middle of the Mall you thought about what you could do now. God, you hated her. Neither was finding out Will liked someone else. Heres the place.. He barely had any blanket to himself, but he also runs incredibly hot, so he stuck to sleeping without being cocooned in a blanket most of the time anyway. ME GO! Set directly after the groups road trip to California, now closer than ever after some normal, non-upside down bonding time, they finally feel safe enough to be normal teens and adults. Hey, he greets and, god, how youve missed his voice. Dr. Brenner walks up to Will. El literally assumes Will is. You ruined me, you know? You whisper and he leans his forehead against yours. In this world, Karen Wheeler will do anything to bring her precious baby boy home, safe and sound. Mike's words are dull and meaningless to him. Your smile falls a little and you walk to him, punching him in a friendly way. He sees one of your friends at their locker and walks over, asking whether theyd seen you. Apart from the fact that you seemingly nearly just died youre happy. Could I request a Hurt/Comfort Will Byers x Reader (Gender neutral or male) fanfic? This wasnt possible. (y/n), youre living with the Byers family. But you did get your happy end - just as he did. we grew up together. Get back here, boy, Bailey scolds and Ethan sways, his fists clenching. You genuinely wanted to know. When it was your turn you could barely hold a laugh back at Steves shocked expression. The soldiers approach him once more in a hurry. The sun was scalding hot and on your way to her house you were lucky for the shadows the trees provided. We do not remember days, we remember moments. Will is a socially awkward, angsty teen dealing with the downfall of being a queer man in the middle of Indiana in the 1980s. Picks up after season 4. willbyers. The attention turns to the other Ghostface next and no one moves for a second. Standing in front of the brownish brick house you walk up the stairs, ringing the doorbell after a moment of hesitation. Dad said itd be better if you trusted me since youre close with Sam and Tara so he wasnt against it, he just didnt tell me to do it. He starts. Essentially a look into Mike's thoughts and feelings throughout the '86 Spring Break. Neither you or the others say something, so he continues. Maybe you shouldnt have thought itd apply to your parents too, besides all the shit theyve done to you all your life. Mike, you are such a liar. Ah, yeah. In this world, Mike Wheeler vanishes in the middle of the night, the only trace of him a bicycle laying abandoned on the side of the road and a trail of dried blood leading into the woods. They carry you out, probably towards the infirmary and he follows behind, worried. She leads you to the couch and moves around the kitchen, setting down a sandwich in front of you. You feel remorse for him, your gaze softening and you take his hand again, the familiar feeling making you feel less on edge. He is one of the central characters in the series, acting as the leader of the main group of kids. When you kept insisting they just stood there, shocked for a few seconds. A hundred thoughts crossed your mind but most importantly, who could it be? Summary Ethan would always protect you. Am I your pet? She sounds more like she doesnt even really know what thats implying, instead of intimidating. /: I was a little nervous writing this (still am posting this) as Im not bi and wasnt sure how far i could go. Realizing its El you reciprocate and laugh out of joy, falling to the floor with her. It's cold, and the world feels like it's crashing around them as Mike and Will yell at each other until their voices grow hoarse. Youre glad it didnt though, because half a year into it and he knows. You thought the whole group would go, but instead it was just you, her and Eleven. - but you couldnt just stop loving him. When you part she turns to Ethan who was standing off to the side with furrowed brows. While he was tightly holding onto the straps of his bag El quickened her pace at the sight of you. There was a huge misconception surrounding Billy Hargrove. No! Not seeing any severe injuries you go on your way, only for you to start losing control. You did it. You can't even get through one conversation without crying like a little girl. The air was bad, stuffy, but still better than the suffocating closeness of Will right now. So The Losers Club heads to Hawkins Indiana for the summer. With a suppressed smile you walk away, making your way home. Ah, thats a great offer, but Id prefer having them in the back next to y/n. Everyone turned to look at you, confusion clear on their faces. Will Byers disappears in Stranger Things season 1 before audiences are really able to get to know him. The walkie-talkie beside her rustles before slowly voices fade in. But Hopper forced me to! This is Will, she pointed at the boy with brown eyes and same colored bowl cut, and this is his sister Jane. The boy- Will, stood straight, seemingly not liking being in the front like that. Listen, you tell the rest of the group the truth and the police that you were manipulated or whatever. She orders and he nods, quietly thanking her. It wasnt the type of feelings you held for Dustin or Max. I dont know why you still like him! You agree and unobtrusively maneuver them away from the boys. Will Byers (played by Noah Schnapp) has been an important character in Stranger Things since the first season. and I just really like her. Can't you ever just behave like a regular guy? His words from that day play in your head and you try breathing in, water rushing through your nose and mouth into your lungs. Things with Will hadnt gotten better but also not necessarily worse. You gasp and grasp his forearms, did he just act remorseful to kill you? She wasnt going to go easy on them when it came to being mean. Ew! He was quiet at first, after all this didnt just happen all the time and his girlfriend was also attracted to girls? She is! Wait! someone called, and your brows furrowed as you turned around. You dont think Eleven actually saw it was something bad before - after all she forgave Mike everything. Updates every Monday and Friday. Im sorry. It seemed that school wasnt over yet, some people were walking in and out of the big building. Hes such an idiot! Well, you could agree with that but still, you liked him. I like you. And when you went home at night after - the moon illuminating your way perfectly -, no one had to know that you slept at his. He was lucky enough you had survived - his eyes constantly on you. Sadness and all the bad feelings were still very much present though. Gulping you quickly smiled, Alright. Its painful minutes until youre being pulled out, your ears ringing and vision swimming. Which is why it was almost entirely hypothetical when you were talking about it. WB: nathsn and i broke up amd its your fauktMW: Where are you?WB: the beachMW: Im on my way now. Close to passing out Billy comes to your rescue. Your hands, which were clenching the fabric of your shirt before, fell to your sides limply. He nods, thanks Nancy and, now more carefully, goes into the basement.---Will takes care of Mike during a bad time cx chapter TWO. You did great! Mike exclaims and pats you on your back after giving you a short hug. Though you did hope he was alone as that meant you could pull this off without any questions from the rest of your friends. But nowadays they would always find an excuse to not play. When the bell rang you prepared for being introduced by the teacher, which she did, with not much motivation - or any other feeling for that matter. It didnt bother you but it was the only thing left you did as a group. He would let you brush his hair - even braid it sometimes if youre pushing it - and was simply soft around you. An opportunity strikes and she accepts the job knowing she has to provide for her own family except she doesn't fully understand what she's gotten herself into until it hits her in the face. So- he gulps, his voice cracking. (y/n) Max sighs and sits down on your bed with you. It was a long evening, both of you left tired from dinner with your family. Well, not like that hadnt happened to you before. His eyes display worry and one hand is laying next to yours. WILL! Mike and El scream from behind. He leans forward, Trust me, he whispers before taunting Sam and Tara about how theyd lose. Jane elbowed him, urging him to answer. Waving back you zone out of Els rant. You didnt like to admit it but it felt good to have friends and now walk the hallways alone while everyone was having fun with their friends around you. It reminds you a little of Hoppers cabin and you bite your lip - there was an insane amount of detail involved. Yes. While she did the paperwork and occasionally asked a question you studied your timetable. It started as a joke on your part - leaving after graduation and going back to California. You look up and wipe your eyes, deciding its time to tell them. Heartbreak (and one big misunderstanding) ensues. Returning to find Hawkins in ruins. I dont even know why. Will. Dude. You catch Wills confused look, making eye contact for a split second. Dunno why. She replies shortly and slams her licker shut before leaving. After another typical fight with Billy, you end things once and for all. An excruciatingly long drive across the states in the piercing sun. Baby, you say and hope your voice doesnt sound as shaky to him as it does to you. Will sighs, Mike. Quinn interjects from behind him, proudly pointing to herself as she claims it as her own doing. It smelled of cigarettes and his perfume, comforting. You can help by adding to it. And its all fluff?? Stranger things have happened in the nighttime, Youre the only one I got my sights on request, Spring in California (Will Byers x f!reader). Max helps you pack your bags, certain youd forget half of the necessities if you were to pack alone. "You're ruining our party! One girl had red hair and a skateboard next to her table. So, closing off was the option you chose now. Now she was providing for her own family and someone else's in the dangerous world of media and fame Steve was thirteen when the Judgment happened. Amazing. Ive been waiting so long for this! He giggles, surprised, and brings you close with a tug on your enclosed hands. You like her!". Exiting the bus felt weird, you were used to it being colder at this time of the year but it was warm here and the sun was beating down on you. It was kind of awkward, your arms awkwardly hugging him back. Will was probably outside or in the AV club room with the rest of the group. Looking up, you see a boy and a girl, both brown haired, standing at the front likely waiting for the teacher. Jonathan and I thought youd like it if we repaired it he turns to you and all you see and feel is the amount of adoration you hold for him. And its all fluff?? this is mostly gonna be art and some stories, probably very infrequent uploads, sorry about that one. Youd found it years ago when you were playing, and it had quickly become something for just you and him. Ugh. Him telling you he wished he never met you, broke you. One of them seemed to notice your stare and sent you a small wave, his hair falling over his forehead. Which partly was a certain someones fault. You dont think youd ever be able to forget all of what happened back then but you stopped associating him with it quickly enough. I want that, too.. El just smirked at him at catching him stare at you. Youre guessing it was her brother - Billy - and you hoped he wouldnt be the one to open the door. Wait! !read the tags! He hesitates and fidgets with his hands, At the beginning at the party. Or, the letter Will Byers could never send. He was. Will took the seat on your right, Jane on your left. You threw a wave over your shoulder, walking away chuckling. Rip.. He would never be so cruel. warnings: misunderstanding :(, fluff, angst, hurt/comfort. ", "El's not stupid! Shes cute. Love y'all and please forgive me <3, Originally posted by lay-me-down-to-crawl. Do you wanna come? biting on your lip you waited for his answer. It was at least half an hour of walking in the hot sun, your duffel bag digging in your shoulder uncomfortably. Anyway, I hope this is appropriate (as appropriate as it can be :) ) and you, @loverofthings2425, enjoy this! Until said boy shows up on the brink of losing consciousness but still manages to swoon over you. His knife laid next to him as he kneeled next to you, anxiously surveying the area. Typical chaotic events for the Jopper fam tbh. So, when he started realizing you wouldnt leave or betray him, he really started being himself. Will and Mike hadnt talked for years, no letters nor calls, so their friendship is one step from turning into ashes. Ill wait at the exit after school and we can go together.". So. I didnt have to get close to you. Thanks, its basically a question but he chuckles and shrugs, nodding. Its a peaceful quiet and you enjoy those few moments. The flustered expressions on your faces arent from running up the hill. Writer Mike Wheeler has no will to live. Standing next to the older woman in bathing shorts and your contestants you hold the trophy high in the air, basking in the cheers. Thats how it happened; you three sitting in a circle around the white noise playing TV. Looking to the doorway after feeling a little watched you see Will. None of it was easy for Mike, or for anyone, but maybe it would've been just a little easier if he wasn't fighting feelings for his best friend while he was meant to be dating, and in love with, said friend's sister. All the friends - excluding you - were gathered in the driveway. Well never understand them! Its Lucas voice, and either of the other two boys is eating something in the background. Uh, he hears you single and frowns, Nows not really the time. Your voice sounds strained and he leans down, basically kneeling on the dirty floor. Sure, this was basically what she had been telling El to do for days but she never actually thought El would do it. Momma Steve: WELCOME! The initial shock wears off after a few seconds but youre still feeling slightly sick. Eleven | Jane Hopper & Jim "Chief" Hopper, Will Byers & Eleven | Jane & Dustin Henderson & Max Mayfield & Lucas Sinclair & Mike Wheeler, I'm afraid I can't catch you (I'm falling too), The Party in High School (Stranger Things), Maxine "Max" Mayfield & Mike Wheeler Friendship, Billy Hargrove/Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson/Original Female Character(s), Implied/Referenced Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, Jonathan Byers & Steve Harrington & Nancy Wheeler, Steve Harrington & Dustin Henderson Friendship, When all the parents disappear and leave the preteens to deal with it, Steve is in over his head and everyone is worried about it, Step-Siblings Will Byers & Eleven | Jane Hopper, i just want to make finn wolfhards characters interact, Steve Harrington Has a Crush on Eddie Munson. When you arrive, too, you let your knees give in and fall on the soft, green grass. Thats when the yelling began. Billy. You sternly say and he just chuckles amusedly before settling back down. Alone with a few other kids he barely knew. What if they dont like me back? Alternative season 4 and so on. It's basically just a modern AU partial chatfic where the Losers meet the Party. Come here if somethings going on, or dont. It was an unremarkable night. Finally! Michael "Mike" Wheeler is a fictional character from the Netflix science fiction horror series Stranger Things. Thats what we need. Mike watches his friend drown in doubts and decides to solve them. Its the day everyone had been dreading - moving day. I want- I would like to have what Mike and El have, with red cheeks he quickly finishes, with you! No, you were angry and sad. Max, you whine, dragging out her name, You know why! Even after all this time your heart still belonged to one boy. Suddenly, the door bursts open and Mike as well as the others stand in the doorway. Im so going to tell this Mike when he comes here. she giggled, making her way to you. All is going well if you ignore the circumstances that brought them together. "Just start at the beginning. Like hes been meaning to say it for longer. You sound nonchalant but your heart is breaking more by the second. It would completely ruin our friendship! Its been a while, huh? You nod and enjoy the comforting gesture. It wasnt anything serious, Will found out, simply his age of seventy-three finally catching up and his body being unable to carry on. No- uh, no. Thank you so much! Dont cry over him. Youre hiding under his bed as you and Billy had forgotten the time and you had stayed too late. A moment later El also joins you two, a small bag in her hands. Will Byers Jonathan Byers Jim "Chief" Hopper Billy Hargrove Steve Harrington Fantasizing Anal Sex Body Worship Older Man/Younger Man Possibly Unrequited Love Making Love Breeding One-Sided Attraction Masturbation Lucid Dreaming Parent/Child Incest Pregnancy Kink Hair-pulling Daddy Kink Anal Fingering Blow Jobs Incest Kink Oral Sex Sibling Incest They were around your age and just as good as you if not better from what you heard and seen. When you turn to him, he looks at you, too. Mike's an assassin, and he's confident that he can live double lives under the rule of his anonymous boss. Sam takes off to the man, leaving Ethan and you without any attention on you. Its none of your business. His voice and words are harsh and youre glad the rest had started walking towards the bikes (thinking you and Will were going to flirt or something they sent you numerous eyebrow wiggles and kissy noises).

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