work structure and protocols in australian workplace

Policy and procedure development occurs in 5 main stages: Planning, development, review, implementation and final. It is important that we are able to identify this as a possible cause for the under-representation of diversity. Writing a Health and Safety Policy guidelines to writing a work health and safety policy, prepared by Health and Safety Executive UK though laws mentioned do not relate to Australia. You can also choose to highlight any accolades your company has achieved to appear more trustworthy. The principal should retain the original copy. stream 3. Law and And its one that can be summed up in three words: empathy, power, privilege. WebThe different types of organizational policies, procedures, processes, and systems for WHS are: Policies detailing the companys views on drugs and alcohol in the workplace and the actions that will be taken if an employee is found to be using drugs or alcohol at work. But 21 March was proclaimed by the United Nations as that day in 1966 to commemorate the Sharpeville massacre in South Africa which occurred on the 21st of March 1960. Identify different methods to evaluate the communication strategy. WebInternational students working in Australia often find the culture at work quite different from their own country. Heads of mission; 3. Im interested in your answers, but I do believe the challenge that we have is one about changing attitudes. If you are a student or teacher looking for work-based learning opportunities including work experience and structured workplace learning, refer to the SWL Statewide PortalExternal Link . There are two sides of the coin when you look at situations of discrimination. In fact, for those of you visiting Sydney this week, if you were to pick up a brochure about what to do in the city, you would most likely find Cabramatta being mentioned as a food destination, a place where you can make a day trip to sample the authentic delights of South East Asia. What we do with the campaign is we invite organisations across the country interested in demonstrating their commitment to tolerance and diversity and inclusion to join as supporters, to undertake some work in countering prejudice. Lets consider as well our universities and the senior leadership of our universities. Lets begin specifically with our Federal Parliament. So the problem were talking about here is far from marginal; it is something much more prevalent than what you might expect. endobj Australian Standards may be purchased through selected bookstores and online. endstream Those of Asian cultural background over the last three decades or so have been readily identified as part of a model minority stereotype. Where an organisation is able to manage its cultural diversity and be inclusive, it is more likely to reduce the cost of staff turnover, more likely to minimise legal and compliance risks, more likely to negotiate any negative publicity that may arise from mismanaging a case involving diversity. Casual workers are paid casual loading above the minimum rate as they are not entitled to benefits such as sick leave or paid vacations. xRn0+ H "ELF&%A.emOEAiysYQCFXK'eVE?hw9/)?_k(BD [sg Quite often, it is going to be subtle. demonstrate the practical application of work-related skills as part of VCE Industry and Enterprise. Diplomatic missions, consular posts and other representative offices; 4. Many of you will be familiar with this example: all the qualifications were identical, they involved people who were born in Australia (so can be assumed to have mastery of the English language). We think its a modest but important way that organisations can signal that they are taking prejudice and discrimination seriously, because we cant combat this problem through legislation alone although I do think legislation does play a fundamental role in setting the tone of our society. Moraitis, Glyde, Clarke, Richardson, Paul, Leon, Tune, Varghese, Halton, Campbell, Bowles, Beauchamp, Mrdak, Pratt, de Brouwer, Thawley, Lewis, Fraser. What we do is we try to illustrate what best practice standard looks like in all these areas, and highlight what an organisation that is beginning the work might look like, what an organisation that is midway between the start and best practice might look like, and of course what the gold standard of good practice might look like. We can all agree that leadership is important, but whose interest do you serve in your work? Do you think they really have the right fit? Training. Once theyre put in place, they exert tremendous power in making sure that the outcome of your investigation will be valid, transparent and legally defensible. If you think of the source countries of our migration at the moment, the two biggest source countries are now India and China. What is exactly the role of Human Resources professionals in all of this? b) Consider your own culture and identify how it differs from these practices? WebGood communication practices can help prevent workplace problems from occurring, and resolve issues quickly. But if we are in the business of challenging power, or if we find it necessary to ask people to think about privilege, there may be times when disruption might be necessary. The Break Routine In western where a student is undertaking structured workplace learning as part of a VET program within the VCE including the VCE Vocational Major, or the Victorian Pathways Certificate the principal must be satisfied that the student is undertaking, or has completed the OHS training unit of competency within the VET program. They can also improve the way your customers and staff deal with If you had a Middle-Eastern sounding name, you needed to apply 64 more times to be invited to interview. There are only currently two who are of Indigenous background. Those advertisements may have been aimed at raising awareness about racism for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, but their content are applicable to cultural diversity more generally. I draw your attention to research done by Australian National University in 2010 involving resumes, 4000 resumes which were sent to prospective employers. Anyone who was found without a reference book was to be arrested and detained for up to 30 days. Do you really think they could do this under pressure? A central part of our educational work involves the National Anti-Racism Strategy, which has been running since 2012 and which aims to empower Australians to speak out against prejudice and discrimination. Which interest do you serve as a Human Resources professional or diversity and inclusion practitioner? To put it in one way, we can say that almost half the population is either first generation or second generation Australian. Introduction to Australia and its system of government; 2. These begin the day after the employer tells the employee they want to terminate employment and end on the final day of work. Many of you would have had delicious lunches in your workplace; you might have might have encouraged workers to dress up in their ancestral costumes or do something to express their cultural heritage. Maybe you should slide over. Manage career and work life 16 1b. A Instructions to the Australian Workplace History. In order to understand what prejudice and discrimination look and feel like, we need first to be able to put ourselves in the shoes of someone who may be on the receiving end of prejudice and discrimination. X=qW]Tj dxsmu. Visas and Lateness is frowned upon in Australia. What about the private sector? 5 0 obj Consider the honours lists around Australia Day and the Queens Birthday. It Stops With Me. Australian professionals seem able to blend a relaxed workplace environment with a strong focus on hard work that produces results. Working time fits into a span of hours typically between 7am and 6pm. Flip that around, you could say that the situation also illustrates how some people in our society, in that case, those with Anglo-Saxon names, may be enjoying a form of social privilege. Copyright Australian Human Rights Commission, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice. /Contents 6 0 R>> Why? Discrimination is a factor: we know that. I want to talk to you about the old neighbourhood where I grew up, here in South West Sydney. endobj WebHierarchy and Leadership Styles Australian workplace has a flat hierarchy, meaning you can directly approach to someone in a management position with a query or concern as Sixty-nine people were killed, more than 100 people were injured. Explain what a conflicting interest is and provide one example. 4 0 obj But I leave you with this question. 5.1.2 The WHS Act sets out four specific groups of WHS duty holders: Person Conducting a Business or Undertaking By having policies and processes in place, you create standards and values for your business. That comes to about 3% of the total. Do you think this candidate really has the right fit? The department has developed comprehensive guidance, on the Guidance tab, to support schools to comply with their obligations under Ministerial Order 55. <>>><>>>] Australia ranks fourth among Pacific Rim economies while the economic heavyweights of China, US, Japan, South Korea, Thailand, and India also figure as their major trading partners. Provides students with the opportunity to integrate on-the-job experience with secondary study. Decide there you relevant to do short WebAustralian Capital Territory When to contact your WHS authority For WHS incidents, injury reports, notifications, complaints, licensing and compensation claims contact the WHS But what began as a peaceful demonstration ended in bloodshed, because three hours into the protest, police moved to disperse the thousand strong crowd. We provide face-to-face training courses and digital learning. <> where a student is undertaking structured workplace learning which is not related to their VET program within the VCE including the VCE Vocational Major, or the Victorian Pathways Certificate the principal must be satisfied that the student has completed an OHS program required by the department as follows: if the student is undertaking VCE Industry and Enterprise they must complete. endobj If you look at that gate and how it has stood the test of time, what you have is you have a physical expression of a communitys aspiration to integrate into a community, perhaps to renovate some of their traditions and some of their receiving societys traditions as well. The Fair Work Act (2009) decrees an employees maximum working week is 38 hours, or 7.6 hours each day. A young Aboriginal candidate is there, sitting across the recruiter and the invisible discriminator emerges once more: Could you really rely on her?. Related to that is privilege. Grounds for termination include mutual agreement, end of a fixed-term contract, termination with or without notice by the employer and resignation by the employee. There are some interesting statistics from America, which illustrate that share prices for publicly listed companies can drop significantly within 24 hours when a diversity related complaint becomes public. We can take a great deal of pride in our success as a multicultural country. And for me, unconscious biases cannot be separated from broader social attitudes that we may have about our cultural diversity. Therefore, we will address all the aspects of the work culture in Australia to start your expansion well-informed. If we were to think though about why embracing or being explicit about celebrating diversity matters, I think we can put it in the following terms: it is about capturing talent, it is about boosting innovation, it is about encouraging productivity. There was a protest. To succeed in business in Australia, it is vital for both employers and employees to have a strong understanding of the business culture. <> I used to catch my bus and my train to school from Cabramatta Train Station. Apart from the significant tourism and services sectors, incoming foreigners will need to be highly qualified for industries such as science and technology, engineering, energy, mining, and healthcare. Equal opportunity policy Across the world, organisations offer employment opportunities to people equally without favour to anyone in the recruitment process. These are some of the questions an invisible discriminator may be posing in that scenario involving an interviewee of a minority racial or ethnic background. Redundancy, Termination /Severance in Australia. Economists from Stanford University and the University of Chicago recently finalised some research looking at labour productivity in the United States from 1960 to 2008 and they found that 20% of productivity growth over that time can be attributed to a reduction in racial discrimination. Could you really rely on her? On termination, employees severance pay should include: Termination due to redundancy entitles employees to severance pay based on years of service: The reduction in entitlement assumes employee will be eligible for long service benefits after 10 years service. Methods Australian employers use to build a sense of community include: Communication, Openness, Creativity, and giving those on the team or in the As for power and privilege when were challenging prejudice and discrimination, we are in one very basic sense challenging power. Who we are The Commonwealth, states and territories regulate and enforce WHS laws. Some employers, particularly in the healthcare and aged care industries, may have a workplace vaccination policy that requires a student on placement to provide evidence of their COVID-19 vaccination status to attend work onsite. There is, naturally enough, an organisational interest in harmony, in stability, ensuring that people can get along. Awards, contracts, enterprise (collective) agreements may stipulate longer periods of notice, such as one month rather than one week. In our workplaces, most of us would accept cultural diversity as part of everyday life. We can reduce it to a question: is it about festivals or fairness? To give you some sense of how this stacks up in terms of representativeness, this would be equivalent to women comprising only 15% of total honours recipients. As a global PEO (Professional Employment Organization) it is our goal to be familiar and updated with the business culture in the country we work with and in. Structured workplace learning Structured workplace learning arrangement form, Timing and duration of structured workplace learning, Cancellation of structured workplace learning, Assessment of structured workplace learning arrangement, Privacy legislation and structured workplace learning, Prohibited or restricted industries or businesses and activities, Ministerial Order 55 Structured Workplace Learning, Structured workplace learning travel and accommodation form, Ministerial Order 1359 Implementing the Child Safe Standards Managing the risk of child abuse in schools, School Based Apprenticeships and Traineeships, Vocational Education and Training Delivered to Secondary Students, Ministerial Order 55 Structured Workplace Learning Arrangements, Ministerial Order 1359 Implementing the Child Safe Standards Managing the risk of child abuse in school. In the case of 15 or more collective redundancies the relevant government agencies and trade unions must be informed. You may WebDefine the purpose of the evaluation to see how well the protocol is working. endstream Australian employers value diversity, work life balance, the wellbeing of their employees, and dedication. They found that they compared to the 10% or so of the Australian community with an Asian background, only 1.9% of executive managers and 4% of directors have Asian cultural origins. They did so with particular attention to leaders from and Asian cultural background. You can talk about weather, sport, current event. WebWelcome | Safe Work Australia We develop national policy relating to WHS and workers' compensation. You can also ask a question about a certain topic that you thing someone might have some expertise. /Contents 8 0 R>> This policy sets out the requirements for conducting structured workplace learning in schools. Communicate for work 24 2b. /Contents 4 0 R>> About 11% say that theyve been excluded from the workplace or from social settings because of their race, about 5% say that theyve experienced physical assault because of their racial background. Working or interning in Australia can be a fun and Today Id like to talk about cultural diversity in the workplace about the case for embracing cultural diversity. The maximum period over which working hours can be averaged out is 26 weeks, although employers or employees do not have to conclude an averaging out agreement. and School Based Apprenticeships and Traineeships. Ethnic ghetto one decade, a tourist attraction the next. Employers should ensure that students are aware of the workplaces COVIDSafe Plan, if available, as part of their induction to the workplace. For most people abroad, the workday starts at Work with roles, rights and protocols 20 2a. Let me just read to you the list of the names of the 17 heads of Federal Government Departments. If youre sending a letter to someone in an organisation, include: the recipients position the branch or division they work in the name of if it is proposed that the student may need to undertake vehicle travel with their employer and/or supervisor during the arrangement, including travel to-or-from the workplace. Take the Cultural Diversity Workplace Tool that we have developed to help organisations gauge how well theyre embracing cultural diversity: you can go and do this online, its free and confidential, via 2. Some had Anglo-Saxon sounding names, some had Chinese sounding names, some had Middle-Eastern sounding names, some had Italian sounding names, some had Aboriginal sounding names. The advertisements were aired to raise awareness about the harms of racism against Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. Web organisational structure changes affecting offices and staff/roles. Staff suggested various methods to improve internal communications, namely: better communication with staff from management level to ensure everyone is fully aware of changes that affect their roles/team These can be embedded in the evaluations that we make and the responses that people make to unconscious bias when they may have experienced it can contribute to this. Theres particular value in looking at how unconscious bias might exist, for example, with respect to one group that has been typically identified as a model minority. It must be signed by: The principal must ensure a copy of the signed arrangement form is provided to each party. Part-time employees are paid the same rate, adjusted pro rata for the hours they work. But I also would like to challenge you about how you should deal with cultural diversity, because too often we think of diversity as just being about festivals, about being about lunches or maybe an event or two that we should have in our workplace to celebrate our diversity and show how inclusive we are. The 31 Local Learning and Employment Networks (Victorian LLENs) have been funded to deliver the School to Work Program and facilitate student access to work-based learning placements which are tailored to local priorities and employment opportunities. HK+ E$e}g)[^HkbwK?WZ-Kz,n-]|IxrZv\v + TtbcHbUn)VL#E=_}F<5| mI%>6dTi 6cFSC3$(~\hGl3zU2 bO P/ 5QS&G6aA d*cGM+mKN@p{wATisFvv,[L#:3PRN]Y,4^Z*~EK0@YO,`aj4 6 0 obj Qw3T30PISp " Now theres only one of those names that comes from a non-European background. In addition, the APSC also has Theres also a positive case. Diversity will endure. for travel both the employer and the parent/guardian or the student if they are aged 18 years or over. 1. Think. The one aberration that was found in the research was that in Melbourne it was in fact an advantage if you had an Italian sounding name, not a disadvantage. So how then do we embrace diversity in the workplace? Thus, make the most of this section. In addition to our Racism. Discrimination, if it does occur at other levels in an organisation, can be more difficult to identify. Our workplaces across the country are, of course, manifestations of the diversity that we have. Australians Get an Early Start. The APSC has responsibility for the administration of workplace bargaining policies, including the 2014 and 2015 policies. It is about ensuring that the status quo does not serve to advantage others and disadvantage others. Were talking about a society where about 20% of Australians experience racial discrimination of some kind. Of the 49 senior executives at these ranks in the Group of Eight universities, I identified a total of four who had non-European cultural backgrounds, which comes to about 8%. endobj Again I did an informal audit of the Group of Eight last year at the levels of Vice-Chancellor, Provost, Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Pro Vice-Chancellor. Plan and organise Some Lets think about what the future Australian workforce is going to look like. If you look at our public service, you see a similar pattern as well. /Group <> Harmony Day, 21 March, happens to coincide with the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination. So how are we to deal with all of this? Recognise and utilise diverse perspectives 34 3a. Because the law rightly dictates the standard that is acceptable in our society. If this occurs, all efforts should be made to organise alternative arrangements for students. Co-workers are That, ladies and gentlemen, is the origin of Harmony Day. Could you really imagine them as a leader? We have 226 members of the House of Representatives and the Senate, but only a handful of those 226 come from non-European backgrounds. What was interesting to me, though, is that no-one seemed to be interested in the almost complete absence of non-European background Australians among those awarded ACs, AOs and AMs. But the invisible discriminator tells this young woman: Dont make eye contact. The young woman declines to take the seat and remains upstanding on the bus. practical application of industry knowledge, the parent/guardian of the student if the student is under 18 years of age. By sharing our knowledge about Australian work culture, we want to support your global expansion plans. Do you think they could really do this under pressure? If you had an Italian sounding name, 12% more. Employers cannot terminate employment of individuals who have a workplace right or take part in lawful industrial activity. This policy protects those from minority groups such as gender, race, disability, religion and family status. Its worth us thinking about what it is exactly that we commemorate on the 21st of March, I think we can probably do both, we can probably celebrate our diversity, but it does strike an odd note to find that the true provenance of Harmony Day is often unknown. Background. WebThe tech world is going back to work, but it's not going back to normal. Im sure we all here love our Harmony Day lunches on 21 March. Learn how to transform your company culture, engage your teams & encounter your goals. I do reflect, though, growing up in that area. WebHere are some tips on etiquette in the Australian workplace: Always arrive on time at your workplace and for meetings. It began as a peaceful protest. Schools must ensure they implement this policy and follow the guidance on the, integrate practical on-the-job experience and learning in workplaces with nationally recognised Vocational Education and Training (VET) undertaken as part of the Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE), the VCE Vocational Major or the Victorian Pathways Certificate, undertake work placement to complement an applied learning program as part of the VCE Vocational Major or the Victorian Pathways Certificate. And I think this is part of the difficulty we have with having a conversation about cultural diversity and leadership. There you had 5000 people gathering in this township to protest against new laws that had been introduced by the apartheid government, namely, the so-called pass laws which required all black men and women to carry personal identification papers. We dont, for example, need to conduct a radical experiment in the form what John Howard Griffin, an American journalist in the 1950s, did. And how are we to explain that persistence of such under representation of cultural diversity? But the way that such responses can be interpreted by those in leadership positions can be quite different. Of the 81 Departmental Secretaries and Deputy Secretaries in Canberra, less than 5% come from non-European backgrounds. If the trial period is unsuccessful, the individual must be given notice and be paid for any unused leave. Refer to the foot of the policy page for contact details. Can someone who does not ever have to experience discrimination be honest about the possible privilege that they may be experiencing? Ive spoken to some who have suggested to me that if youre really serious about diversity and inclusion, you cant put your faith in human resources, at least in human resources alone. Respect. <> Theres a negative case too if we can call it that for thinking about cultural diversity in the workplace. WebOverall, the workplace culture in Australia is more relaxed and less formal, appreciating a collaborative approach and avoiding formality where possible. These are covered by National Employment Standards (NES). Most employees minimum wages are set for the industry or sector where they work, by either Modern Awards or Enterprise Agreements; these cannot undercut the statutory national minimum. It must be signed by: the employer the student the parent/guardian of the student if the student is under 18 years of age WebStructure of the CSfW 8 Using the CSfW 13 The Performance Features 13 The Influencing Factors 13 Performance Features Tables 15 1a. It helps in becoming comfortable in the workplace and creates an encouraging environment, leading to better productivity. Let me share with you some other scenarios, quite different from what Ive just mentioned. If they do these things, they must learn their lessons the hard way.. You might say well maybe its a bit unfair if we are just look at Departmental Secretaries; if we were to look the rung below, perhaps we might find a different, more positive, encouraging picture. To an extent, the reputation that Cabramatta had was well-earned: there was a problem with drugs, it wasnt a pleasant place. It is important to familiarise yourself with the cultural practices in A conflict of interest can occur in the workplace when someone in their position attains personal benefit or advantage by making decisions. Other research shows that companies with high executive and board diversity had returns on equity that were on average 53% higher than those with low levels of diversity. Now as a general proposition, the data tells us that the children of migrants are out-performing the children of native born Australians when it comes to education and employment. The Child Safe Standards are compulsory minimum standards for all Victorian schools to ensure they are well prepared to keep children and young people safe and protect them from abuse. stream We should be clear that empathy doesnt require us to do an exercise of impersonation. Typically, overtime pay may be 1.5 times normal salary for the first two or three hours and twice the normal hourly rate after this. The national minimum applies to most private companies in Australia that are regulated by the Fair Work Act (2009) and whose employees are covered by the National Employment Relations System. There are many principles, values and influences that Rules make sure everyone is safe and treated with respect in the workplace, and there are rules for businesses and employees.

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